Saturday, January 9, 2010

Something new for the new year

Here's one that comes as a surprise but then again maybe not. FrAngie have invited me to a republican dinner this evening. And I am going. I try not to get too involved in politics. I find the act of politicking in todays media driven environment to be disappointing and more about fame than about governing. So I usually lay low. But then there is that side of me that some may recall (Dave, when you read this Deb will confirm this to be true) that I took a whole bunch of poli-sci classes in university. And I even did an intern through the state government. So there is a part of government that does interest me. So I decided to embrace that long lost interest and go to this dinner. As for the republican aspect? Well we all know I am not a democrat even if I am not a card carrying flag waving member of the republican party. I am looking forward to this evening. Definitely something new for the new year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well that was an interesting evening
along the lines of what i expected
there is another event in March
we'll see how that one goes