Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas cards...

What a year it has been! For some reason I felt that recapping some fun stuff and sending it out via email would be easier than traditional Christmas cards. I think that it was.

For those of you that thought of us and sent cards - thanks!

The most creative is always my friend Heather. She works for Google - so it doesn't surprise me. Congrats to her and Ron on the upcoming new arrival to their family. I am so happy for you!

Michelle & Brian were unique in their pictoral recap of 2 1/2 years in Japan. They will be back in the USA soon and I am looking forward to seeing them and meeting Nathan in the new year.

And lastly - the most touching of cards was from Deena and Chris. Nothing like an old college roommate that used to cry with you during stupid sappy shows on tv to get to your heart. I first noticed the return address sticker had an American flag in the background and the last line of the address appropriately stated Unitd States of America. Anf the pictures of their 3 kids inside wearing "Red Friday" shirts in front of an American flag... It got me. I am so glad that Chris was able to come home from Afghanistan to be with all of you for Christmas. You all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. The link below is for you (I am still such a sap!)

Thanks again for the cards! Happy reading of our non-traditional card.


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