Sunday, June 28, 2009

The air smells sweet

While at dinner with a friend in Atlanta on Friday night that is how he described the air in Charlotte. I found it an odd descriptor. I never really thought of it in that light before. But hey after having a bad air quality headache from my time in Atlanta for 4 days. I may say I am in agreement with him. The air may be a bit sweeter here. So I have beat feet around some of the local parks - part training, part just to get out. Check out the other blog for some commentary.


My friend Karen had asked that I continue to take some pictures of my flowers. As some of you may know I am trying to get my wee bit of grass in my backyard replaced with cement to expand the patio. As a result I haven't done too much with respect to gardening this year. My thought is I will slowly add to it once the work is done.
As for the work - I need to get the plan approved by the HOA and then line up the actual work.
It will probably be some time yet. So here are a few flowers while I work through the red tape etc...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers' Day

Last year I posted a bunch of pics.

It was all a result of searching for one picture in particular. This year I found that picture. I remember taking this picture. I was little. We were in Palm Springs. We are in the front yard of Tonta Lisa's house. And I needed to be very careful with the camera. The camera that now sits on my bookshelf in the hallway. We took some shots of me too. I think I was about 4.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Think Spring

Well with the heat we may already call it summer ... but it took some time to collect the pics. You know mother nature is particular that way...
And since yesterday was D-Day I couldn't overlook posting a pic of the flag in the front of the house.
And I was going to crop down this shot as I didn't really want to memorialize the faded chairs on the porch. But then I saw Maddi looking out the front window and decided to leave it as is.

And somewhere in there start the calla lilies

These always seem to come back. They just don't team with flowers like they did the first year. And sometimes the pink colour isn't as strong. This year looks to be a good year.

Next Up - Lantana

Now I must admit when I bought this little ground cover of a plant I don't recall ever having seen one before. I just knew it as a resort in Bermuda. Now that it has been succeeding oh so well in my front yard for the past 4 years I have to say I see them everywhere. But I am so pleased with it. I ever gave 2 as gifts this Spring just for the heck of it. I may have to take some shots of it later in the season when it has pretty much taken over the front yard.
The first year I got it, I trimmed it way back at the end of the season and piled the pine straw real thick over it. And to my delight it came back the next year and have been just as lucky every year since.

Easter Lilies

As I mentioned some of the first flowers to push on through are the Easter lilies. Over the years I have taken the potted Easter lilies I buy (or anyone else has lying around) and have planted them in my front yard. I am quite pleased with the collection I have created. I would like to get some more. Maybe next year at Easter I will remember that. And anyone else - if you get Easter lilies that you are just going to dispose of please let me know. I will surely throw them in the ground at my house.... And they have bloomed quite beautifully this year. And the smell is as charming as ever. Not as powerful as a whole field of Easter lilies but it's still nice.

First signs of Spring

Well the first signs are usually some daffodils and crocuses. For some reason this year I did not capture any pictures of them when they came up. For the amount of bulbs of the 2 that I planted it is a shame that only a few have come back over the years.

Another sign of Spring are the Easter lilies. They push on up through the ground rather early. Again, no pics. Probably just wasn't warm outside and I didn't think to take a picture. So when it all comes down to it. The first real shock of colour and coming to life would be the azaleas. Somehow I ended up with the only pink azaleas on the block. They are quite beautiful when they bloom. But let me say - quite the eye sore any other time.

From Mom's camera

Here are the pics my mom took while visiting. Have to say I am surprised there are only 110 pics. She usually goes for double that.

If you can't see the pictures in this email, click here to see it in a web browser: